Emergency vs. Urgent Care
An emergency room and an urgent care center serve different purposes, and determining this difference can save you time and money. When you have a health concern, consider whether it is life threatening before you head straight to the emergency room.
Serving vs. Portion
Medication Adherence
Healthy Motivation
Doctor's Office
ZIKA - How to Protect Yourself
With Zika outbreaks happening in many countries and territories, the best way to protect yourself is to prevent mosquito bites.Zika virus spreads from person to person primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito. Many people infected...October Health Month: Breast Cancer
From genetics to lifestyle, it's important to be aware of the most common factors that lead to breast cancer. You may be at a higher risk if:You are a woman age 55+September Health Month: Cholesterol
Let's get one thing straight. Cholesterol by itself is not a bad word. It's a naturally occurring waxy substance that we all have a...July Health Month: Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis affects 10 million Americans, 80 percent of whom are women.* But with a strong team to help you know the symptoms and how to prevent and treat it, you can stand strong against those numbers.June Health Month: COPD
Do you ever find yourself fighting for breath during an everyday activity, attribute it to getting older or being out of shape, and go on with your day? Do you wake up with a cough that's not quite bad ...May Health Month: Blood Pressure
High blood pressure affects 1 in 3 American adults. Since there are few or no symptoms, make sure this silent killer doesn't sneak up on you. Whether you have high blood pressure or not, and especially if you're not sure, there are easy things you...April Health Month: Medications
If you're an adult 55 years of age or older, there's a good chance you take at least one medication. In fact, nearly one-third of American adults take five or more medications on a regular basis. * But are you ...Get The Facts On Colorectal Cancer
Even though it doesn't yet have any kind of pink-ribbon awareness following, colorectal cancer (or cancer of the colon and/or rectum) is the third most common type of cancer. What's more alarming is the fact tha...Get (Heart) Healthy - Get The Facts. Stay Strong.
It's no secret that heart disease takes a major toll on our country's health. In fact, about 5.1 million Americans are living with chronic heart failure, a progressive condition in wh...August Health Month: Vaccinations
According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, an average of 50,000 adults die each year from illnesses that could have been prevented by vaccination. Certain vaccinations become highly recommended ...